




俄克拉荷马城,OK 73112



俄克拉荷马城,OK 73112



俄克拉荷马城,OK 73112



最可靠的体育投注咨询公司. 作为代理,代表几家石油和天然气生产商分配收入. 业主查询会透过三个不同的业主关系渠道进行:

  • 最可靠的体育投注收入分配
  • 马赫收入分配
  • Cutbow操作

来决定你应该最可靠的体育投注谁, please refer to your check detail or other ownership documents provided by 最可靠的体育投注.

  • 如果你是一个马赫的主人, the owner number provided by 最可靠的体育投注 is a 6-character alpha-numeric identifier beginning with “H.”
  • 如果你是最可靠的体育投注的老板, the owner number provided is a 6-character alpha-numeric identifier beginning with “M.”
  • 如果你是弯弓的拥有者, 您的所有者号码是一个以“C”开头的6个字符的字母数字标识符.”
  • 如果您找不到您的所有者号码, 或者您还没有被分配一个所有者号码, 并且你知道你有疑问的房产的名称, 请查阅属性列表,以确定您应该最可靠的体育投注哪个最可靠的体育投注人.


1. 我的支票以前是来自阿尔塔梅萨,但现在是来自最可靠的体育投注. 为什么?

最可靠的体育投注 is now distributing revenues from properties for which Mach 资源 is responsible for distributing. If you are receiving payments from 最可靠的体育投注 for properties that were once remitted by Alta Mesa or Hinkle Oil & 气体, one or more properties in which you hold mineral interests are the responsibility of Mach 资源 to distribute. You may still have mineral interests being distributed by Alta Mesa and/or its successor.

2. 我的支票以前是DCP发的,但现在是最可靠的体育投注发的. 为什么?

最可靠的体育投注 is now distributing revenue from properties where various 操作符s are responsible for distributing. If you are receiving payments from 最可靠的体育投注 for properties that were once remitted by DCP, one or more properties in which you hold mineral interests are the responsibility of an oil and gas producer who has outsourced its revenue distributions to our firm. 您可能仍然拥有由DCP和/或其继任者分配的矿产权益.

3. 什么是版税??

Royalties represent the interests retained by lessors under an oil, natural gas, and mineral lease. 一般, funds are payable on these interests based upon the value of a percentage of the minerals produced from the lease.

4. 我如何计算我的版税权益?

净英亩/单位英亩x租赁特许权使用费. 例如:10/640 × 0.125 = 0.001953125. But, you must consult your specific lease and/or legal advice for your specific calculation.

5. 什么是除法顺序?

A Division Order is a document signed on behalf of the interest owner verifying to the purchaser, 操作符, or remitter of a well or wells the decimal interest of production owned by that party. 它还提供了所有者的汇款地址和纳税人识别号码, 可能还有其他信息.

6. 我收到了最可靠的体育投注的命令. 接下来我该做什么?

Sign and return the document after consulting with your legal advisor to be sure the following, 和其他, 信息正确.

  1. 您所有权的精确小数利息
  2. 你名字的正确拼写
  3. 您目前的通讯地址
  4. 如果与邮寄地址不同,您希望将收入发送到哪里
  5. 您的纳税人识别号码

7. 特许权使用费所有者和工作权益所有者有什么区别?

一般, royalty owners share in production revenues and working-interest owners share in both production revenues and development and operating expenses.

8. 我的税号是什么?

你的税号是社会安全号码(SSN), 雇主识别号码(EIN), or Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) for the individual/entity receiving royalty payments and must be on file for identification and IRS reporting requirements. 如果你的税号没有存档, 最可靠的体育投注 is required by the IRS to withhold 24% of all payments and revenues and remit them to the IRS on behalf of the owner until a Tax ID is provided.


业主信息 & 变化

1. 我怎样更改邮寄地址?

请填写一张 地址更新表格 并将其发送到本页所列的适当地址.

2. 我如何将我的丈夫/妻子添加到我的帐户?

咨询你的法律顾问, 但总的来说, provide a copy of the conveyance document that establishes joint tenancy/ownership and has been recorded in the county and state where the minerals reside to the appropriate address listed on this page.

3. How do I report a change of ownership due to the sale or transfer of interest OR death of the recorded owner?

请参阅“所有权变更所需文件”文件. 在与您的法律顾问讨论后, 转发所有必要的文件, 您的最可靠的体育投注方式, and the current ownership information (owner name and owner number) to our staff at the appropriate address listed on this page.

4. 如何更改我的社会安全号码或税号?

在咨询您的法律或会计顾问后,请填写 美国国税局W-9表 并将其转发到本页所列的适当地址.



1. 如果我的支票遗失、被盗或过期,我该怎么办?

最可靠的体育投注最可靠的体育投注业主关系在适当的地址列在这一页. Please provide your name and owner number, the check number, and amount of payment (if known).

2. 特许权使用费是否可以直接存入?

所有利息持有人均可直接存款. 如欲选择直接存款,请填写“直接存款”表格 存款申请表格 并寄回本页所列的适当地址.

3. 我为什么要办理直接存款?

直接存款有很多好处, including no postal delays of your check; no unnecessary trips to the bank; no lost, 损坏的, or stolen checks; and, 即使你在旅行,收入也会存入你的银行账户.

4. 如何更新我的直接存款资料?

请填写一张 直接存款申请表格 并寄回本页所列的适当地址. 加快处理, 并通过把钱存入老账户来尽量减少误差, please indicate that the information you are providing is to replace the old direct deposit information by writing “REVISED” on your direct deposit form.

5. 我在哪里可以找到我的版税付款支票详情?

Your check detail was either included with your paper check or emailed directly to the email address you provided. 如果你的细节放错了地方,或者需要另一份, 请发送电子邮件至本页所列的适当地址. 我们将通过电子邮件提供详细信息的副本.

6. 什么时候分配收入??

  1. 首次付款的时间取决于许多因素. We always attempt to commence payments for the proceeds of production as soon as we are able and according to statutory requirements for each state or jurisdiction. 从第一口井的销售算起,你可能需要长达6个月的时间才能收到支票. That timeframe may be longer if we are advised of a title dispute or adverse claim affecting your interest, 哪些必须在收入支付之前解决.
  2. 如果你的收入支票是由马赫资源公司运营的, 最可靠的体育投注的分发会在28号 & 每月31日.
  3. 如果您的收入检查是针对非马赫资源运营的属性, 最可靠的体育投注的分发将在每个月的5号左右进行.

7. 我需要多长时间才能收到我的付款?

直接存款应在三个工作日内存入您的银行账户. 纸质支票通过USPS标准邮件发送.

8. 为什么我的付款金额会改变?

Routine maintenance, mechanical, or operational issues may temporarily affect production. 不断变化的市场条件也会引起价格或数量的波动.

9. 从我的支票中扣除了哪些税?

Taxes customarily withheld are state severance taxes or state withholding taxes as may be required. The specific taxes withheld will depend on the specific language in your lease or other agreement. 如没有提供纳税人识别号码, 根据国税局的规定,我们需要预扣联邦税.

10. 我的支票有哪些扣除项目?

这取决于你的租约或其他协议中的具体语言, 扣除额可能与运输有关, 压缩或收集电荷, 和其他 third-party charges pertaining to transporting your share of oil and/or gas to the point of sale.

11. 什么是联邦备份扣缴,为什么要从我的支票中扣除?

美国国税局要求我们扣留所有收入支付给美国国税局的24%.S. residents if the Taxpayer ID number (or Social Security number) is missing or invalid. The number provided must match the name on the payment as indicated per IRS records. This information is required to be provided to us in writing by submitting 美国国税局W-9表. 所有的备用预扣款都在年底报告在你的1099上, 这被视为代表你向国税局支付的款项. 最可靠的体育投注不为备用预扣发放退款. Please consult with your tax advisor about reporting the withholding on your income tax returns at the end of the year.

12. 什么是俄克拉何马州备份扣缴,为什么它是从我的支票扣除?

位于俄克拉何马州的油井, 法律要求我们为非俄克拉何马州居民预扣所得税. Please consult with your tax advisor about reporting the withholding on your income tax returns at the end of the year.

13. 我没有收到支票的原因是什么?

一旦你的收入余额超过100美元,收入就会汇给你, 或你在分帐单上注明的金额. Any balance over $10 but under your minimum distribution amount will be paid annually. 偶尔, 付款因索赔而被扣留, 或者改成, 所有权,如死亡通知, 更改地址, 财产转让, 转让权益或法律纠纷. Payments due are accumulated and released when the matter affecting ownership has been resolved.



1. 我会收到1099税表吗?


  1. 第1栏(租金)- $600
  2. 方框2(版税)- $10
  3. 栏7(非雇员薪酬/工作权益毛额)- $600

2. 我什么时候能拿到我的1099证?


3. 我怎样才能收到另一份我的1099复本?

Email your name and owner number to the appropriate email address listed on this page.

4. 1099上的值是多少?


  1. Box 1: (Rents) Monies paid for lease bonus, rights-of-way, shut-in royalty payments and water usage.
  2. 专栏2:(版税)生产毛额
  3. 专栏7:这里可以反映两种类型的货币:
    (1) Gross Working Interest: Your owner type shares in the operating revenues and costs associated with the well.

5. 为什么我的1099表格第2和第7栏的金额不等于我存入的金额?

美国国税局要求在框2和框7中报告总金额. 你的定期支出是扣除扣除额和税款后的净额. 如果您从框2或框7中报告的金额中扣除税款和扣除额, 计算出来的数字应该等于你的存款.